Forests and the balance of nature in Islam

God created a system of balance in the process of creating the real universe for the benefit of man himself.

Feb 19, 2024 - 07:31
Nov 25, 2024 - 20:41
Forests and the balance of nature in Islam
Forest (Illustration) /Pixabay

Forests are no longer sacred in Indonesia. Forests that were once revered as places where their “virginity” should be preserved are now spoiled by human hands. The role of forests is slowly shifting from being a place of maintaining ecosystems to supporting factors of production. The practice of deforestation became something that is still practiced today

From 2001 to 2022, Global Forest Watch recorded that Indonesia lost 29.4 million hectares of tree cover. In 2020, FAO released that Indonesia's total forest cover of 92.1 million hectares is classified as primary forest or defined as mature tropical wet natural forests that have not been completely cut down and have not been replaced by other types of land cover over a long period of time.

Forest is a unit of ecosystems in the form of a land area containing natural resources dominated by trees in association with their natural environment. All these organisms are inseparable from each other. Therefore, the loss of forests will ruin the balance of nature.

As a country populated by a majority of Muslims, Indonesians and their government should be more aware of maintaining and caring for forests. This is in view of the Islamic teachings of maintaining the nature of the wabil, especially the forest. In the Quran, there are many verses that speak of the creation of a variety of plants. One of them is in QS Al-An'am verse 99.

“It was He who sent down water from heaven and with it We grew all kinds of plants. And from it We brought forth a green plant. From it We took out (many) stacked grains. From the mayang date (disentangling) the dangling stalks. (We grow) vineyards. (We grow anyway) olives and pomegranates that are similar and those that are not similar. Look at the fruit at the time of fruiting and ripening. Indeed, in this there are indeed signs (of Allah's power) for the people who believe.

On the other hand, the felling of trees by the Muslim forces during the siege of the traitors of the Jews of Bani Nadhir caused Allah to take down the verse in QS Al-Hasyr verse 5. Whatever you cut from the palm tree (which belongs to the infidels), or which you let stand on top of it, it is by Allah's permission, and because He wants to disgrace the wicked.”

In interpreting this verse, Muslim Scholar Prof. Quraish Shihab explained that the felling of even one tree should not be arbitrary, harmful or even harmful. Therefore, the Prophet forbade the cutting down of trees even in one war if it was not strictly necessary. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told him not to cut down trees. Trees are a refuge for animals in arid times. Therefore, “Whoever cuts down a bidara tree, God overturns his head in hell.” (H.R. Abu Dawud).

Islam forbids humans to damage the environment and even threatens the culprits with sanctions. What is taught in order to maintain the balance of nature is also often explicitly explained in His verses.

“The Most Merciful, Who taught the Qur'an. He created human beings. Teach him to be good at talking. Sun and moon (circulating) according to calculations. And the plants (barren) and the trees (with trunks) are both subject to Him. And Allah has exalted the heavens and laid down the balance (justice). So that you don't go overboard about the balance sheet. And set the scales fairly, and do not reduce the balance. (QS Ar-Rahman verses 1-9).

Quraish Shihab in Islam and the Environment explains that the verses allude to the creation and abundance of His mercy in the form of human creation and His teaching towards them. Thus the sun and the moon circulate very carefully with the prostration and obeisance of trunked trees and barren plants. Such is the exalted state of heaven. All this is arranged by Him with a balance (mizan).

God created a system of balance in the process of creating the real universe for the benefit of man himself. Quraish Shihab reveals that this balance can be felt in the process of human breathing. We can breathe oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. God created green plants that assimilated carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis. It is through this process that oxygen is produced so that the CO and O in the atmosphere are back in balance.

Read also: Green Wood Energy, Explanation of Photosynthesis in the Quran.

Meanwhile, the diversity of trees that become forests will serve to prevent erosion and flooding. Forests are also capable of being a wildlife habitat of no small benefit. These animals also form part of the food chain and the natural hatching process of existing plants.

It is no wonder that God tells us to maintain and not break this balance as stated in Surah ar-Rahman. In the context of forests, Indonesia, which has 81 billion trees, is not enough to absorb greenhouse gas emissions from both individuals and industries, according to ESG Now. The deforestation action carried out by human hands also increases the burden of absorbing emissions.

God's warning that the balance of nature should not be broken has been violated. Humans are also reaping the effects that can already be felt in the form of climate change and the resulting disasters. Something that angels also actually asked when God created man as caliph on the face of the earth.

It means: “And (remember) when your Lord spoke to the angels, I will make a caliph on the earth. They said, “Do you want to make a depraved person and shed blood there, and we glorify You and sanctify Your name? He said, “Truly, I know what you do not know.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 30).

The angel given God the knowledge of man's deeds later asked God about the wisdom behind giving trust to man as caliph on earth. Interestingly, the angel's exasperation was answered with the phrase “Truly I know what you do not know.”

According from the Tafsir of Ibn Qatsir, this verse is as if Allah meant that indeed, God knows things that you do not know about the benefits that are far more powerful in the creation of this kind of creature than the ravages called by the angels. The question is, have we answered the trust God has given us? Only God knows. Wallahu a'lam. (red)