Al-Mizan: Muslims Pledge to the Earth

The document is expected to encourage collective action to address climate change.

Mar 19, 2024 - 11:23
Mar 19, 2024 - 11:22
Al-Mizan: Muslims Pledge to the Earth

An important document on environmental moral responsibility from an Islamic perspective was released at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya, on February 27. The document, entitled Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, is the result of collaboration between a group of leading Islamic scholars from around the world.

The preparation of the document is based on theological and ethical principles, such as compassion, justice and connectedness which together serve as a guide towards a sustainable future. The document is expected to encourage collective action to tackle climate change, biodiversity and pollution while emphasizing the urgent need to protect Planet Earth. “Al Mizan is more than just a document; it is a catalyst for change. "This provides a framework for individuals, communities and institutions to translate Islamic values ​​into concrete actions," said UNEP Faith for Earth Coalition Director Iyad Abumoghli as reported by TRT World.

“Even though it is based on Islamic principles, Al Mizan spreads its message to people of all religions and backgrounds. "This underscores the urgent need for collective action worldwide, recognizing that environmental challenges transcend religious and cultural boundaries," he added.

This document, the work of an Islamic scholar, is even considered to be on par with Pope Francis' Laudato Si — which was launched in 2015 and is seen as the most comprehensive Vatican document centered on the environment, ethics and the Christian faith. Al Mizan is said to be the work of an international group consisting of Muslim environmental theologians and scholars from various fields. They have Islamic backgrounds and have extensive practical experience in faith-based environmental and climate work.

The initiative is led by the UK-based Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES) and facilitated by UNEP's Faith for the Earth Coalition. Other key partners include the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Uskudar University, Hamad University, Quranic Botanic Garden and Anaq el Ard.

According to Fazlun Khalid, founding director of IFEES, “Al Mizan is a guiding light, inspired by faith and driven by responsibility, to build a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.”

One of the members of the formulation team, Dr. Ibrahim Ozdemir, said the document “represents a strong voice, reminding us that the Islamic religion calls for active environmental management”.

Al Mizan is supported by the Muslim Advisory Council and has been reviewed by more than 300 Islamic and international organizations. This document will be supported by initiatives such as Al Mizan Academy, youth councils and summits, as well as biennial conferences, global awards for achievement and other initiatives.

Reporting from the UNEP page, Al-Mizan: Covenant for the Earth presents an Islamic view of the environment in an effort to strengthen local, regional and international action in combating climate change and other threats to the planet. The document is a restatement of the principles governing nature protection in a form that meets today's challenges. The document examines the ethics behind the social patterns of human existence and explores how they can be brought to life today by working in harmony with the heartbeat of nature. There are at least five important parts in Al-Mizan. Assessment of the condition of the earth. The signs of God's greatness are in the heavens and on earth. Ecological ethics and ethos in Islam. Equality, fairness and justice in sharing the summer of life to the principles and practices of caring for the earth.

Environmentalism is deeply embedded in the veins of Islam. In an Islamic perspective, the environment is personal behavior and how it is manifested in Muslims' interactions with other people and paying attention to 'our' relationship with nature and other living creatures.

These principles grew from the foundation established by the Prophet Muhammad SAW into a series of rules and institutions that embody a truly holistic expression of life. This is based on the Qur'an and can be summarized into three categories namely promoting public good, prohibiting wrongdoing and acting moderately at all times:

"Let there be a group among you who call for what is good, encourage what is righteous, and forbid what is evil, they are the lucky ones" (3:104)

The term Al-Mizan itself is based on QS Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) where Allah SWT describes creation in perfect balance:

“The Most Merciful,

Teaching the Koran

Creating Humans

Teach Him Eloquence

Sun and moon move by precise calculation

and the stars and the trees bowed

and heaven He lifts and gives balance (Mizan)

So that you do not go beyond the limits (Mizan)

and uphold justice and not reduce the balance (Mizan)”

(Quran 55:1-9)