Climate Hijrah Workshop

Climate Hijrah Workshop

Oct 21, 2023 - 05:44
Dec 5, 2023 - 13:07
Climate Hijrah Workshop
Climate Hijrah Workshop Event Training

As one of the points in the declaration, empowering Islamic youth leaders to take action on climate change is an important part of our movement.

In 2022, we held the first youth climate workshops and incubators that resulted in several climate initiatives such as activating the Islamic youth vote for the 2024 elections, empowering boarding schools to adopt climate curricula, to the planting of mangrove trees.

In 2023, we are targeting a broader group of youth leaders by broadening our selection criteria, to not only focus on representatives of civil society organizations, but also encourage youth from the private sector and government to get involved in the program.

In addition, the program also aims to invite schools and colleges to organize workshops and incubation programs at their respective institutions.