Find Young Leaders at BHI 2.0

BHI will be held this time in Salatiga

Nov 28, 2023 - 21:23
Nov 30, 2023 - 11:35
Find Young Leaders at BHI 2.0
Media Briefing of Climate Hijrah 2.0 Workshop in Yogyakarta

After the success of the first event, Muslims for Shared Action on Climate Impact (MOSAIC) will again hold the Climate Hijrah Workshop (BHI) 2.0 or the second volume on December 4-9, 2023 in Salatiga, Central Java. Just like the first event that took place in Bogor, the event in Salatiga later also targeted 20 participants.

A number of speakers to be presented at the event include Rubby Emir (AktivAsia), Rara Salsabila (activist), Gus A'ak (LPBI NU), M Rifandi (MLH Muhammadiyah), Kholida Anissa (IPM & BHI Alumni), and Aldy Permana (Purpose).

Project Lead of the Climate Hijrah Workshop, Aldy Permana, said that the religious approach felt important because of a survey conducted by Purpose which found that the majority of young people stated that religion was important to them. “92 percent of urban youth say religion is important to them,” Aldy said.

There are at least five curricula provided during BHI, including power and non-violence, campaign strategy, community organizing, public communication strategy, and climate crisis. The curriculum was jointly developed by AktivAsia, Purpose, and Miskyat Al-Anwar Ecological Boarding School. The stages of this BIH event, Aldy said, are MOSAIC providing training programs, coaching and mentoring, and implementing pilot projects.