Muhammadiyah da'wa with peat and mangrove
There is a need to increase the capacity of Muhammadiyah scholars to actively engage in environmental advocacy.

MOSAIC-INDONESIA.COM, PONTIANAK -- Muhammadiyah Environment Council (MLH PP Muhammadiyah) collaborates with the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) to organize Mubaligh/Mubalighot Muhammadiyah Peat and Mangrove Care training in West Kalimantan precisely at Muhammadiyah University of Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Friday (4/10/2024).
Chairman of MLH PP Muhammadiyah Azrul Tanjung in his speech assessed the need to increase the capacity of Muhammadiyah leaders to actively participate in environmental proclamations. He asserted that for Muhammadiyah, religion is not merely ritual worship but as a means of building to instill the value of renewal goodness for the betterment of the people's lives.
Azrul Tanjung also added that, apart from the environmental side, peat and mangroves can be business entities that become carbon sinks because they can reduce carbon emissions. Not only that, peat and mangroves can also be used as a tourist area and become one of the sources of livelihood of the fishing community. “Later, for example, in the Mangrove area we plant crabs, so that it can benefit the community,” he said during a speech at UM Pontianak (4/9/2024).
Dr. Ir. Suwignya Utama, MBA — Head of the BRGM Education and Socialization Working Group who attended as a representative of BRGM said that restoration of mangrove ecosystems plays a role in maintaining the balance of coastal ecosystems. The goal is to improve the well-being of the public and reduce the impact of climate change.
He also expressed his concern about the current state of peat and mangrove damage. He exemplifies in the Jepara Dalam area over a period of 30 years it has lost about 5.1 km of land. This means that it takes serious handlers in dealing with Peat and Mangroves.
Thus, he hopes that in the future, through the moral proximity of the Islamic faith with Muhammadiyah, he will be able to spread the message of the environmental prayer message. “Because taking care of the environment is also part of worship,” he said.