Fifty thousand trees for Santri Day 2024

This idea was chosen because it was in harmony with the Green Pesantren campaign that had been held some time ago.

Oct 19, 2024 - 22:42
Nov 30, 2024 - 09:32
Fifty thousand trees for  Santri Day 2024
Tree planting ceremony at Al-Hamid Pesantren, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Friday (18/10/2024).

MOSAIC-INDONESIA.COM, JAKARTA — Santri National Day 2024 momentum  were celebrated by planting 50,600 trees in various pesantren or boarding schools in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area. One of them is in Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamid, Cilangkap, East Jakarta. Fify trees were planted at the boarding school on Friday (18/10/2024).

The planting  is one of the side events of the Santri Memorial Day series. Tens of thousands of trees planted in various boarding schools in Jabodetabek are grants from the Department of Forestry and Pertamanan DKI Jakarta.

This idea was chosen because it is in harmony with the Green Pesantren (Pesantren Hijau) campaign that has been held two years ago throughout Indonesia. Green Pesantren were conducted by pesantren to maintain environmental sustainability. This aims to strengthen the santri's concern for the environment and accustom them to healthy behaviors and patterns of life.

The Green Pesantren Movement has previously been initiated by Lazisnu, the National Institute for Disaster Management and Climate Change (LPBI) of NU as well as the boarding school lodge association Nahdlatul Ulama or Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah (RMI).

Director of Diniyah Education and Pondok Pesantren of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Basnang Said said that tree planting is an effort to reduce environmental pollution. Some boarding schools, such as Al-Hamid Cilangkap, East Jakarta have significant land for conservation. “Whereas in Indonesia anything planted can be grown so it is relatively not difficult for this idea to be realized,” he stressed.

There are 41,000 boarding schools in Indonesia. Therefore, Basnang explains, if it is made into a massive movement, it will significantly help reduce carbon. A fresh and clean environment will positively correlate to the learning atmosphere of the santri. In the next five years the change will be more noticeable if it starts now.

He added that boarding schools are an ecosystem that has great potential to participate in environmental issues. According to him, maintaining the preservation of nature is one of the religious teachings about safeguarding the earth. It is also closely related to man's position as caliph on earth as mandated by God. Therefore, boarding schools need to participate significantly in efforts to reduce carbon and conserve groundwater. If all boarding schools in Indonesia participate, of course, it will be significant for nature conservation in Indonesia.

Pesantren Al-Hamid's caretaker, K.H. Lukman Hakim Hamid said he support with this conservation idea. “I am very grateful that the green boarding school movement was implemented in Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah. Hopefully we can run and develop this program in our boarding school,” he said.

Previously, this boarding school has done the planting of hundreds of trees independently and also within the framework of the Green Pesantren. He hopes that he can come together to be part of this movement, thereby exerting a significant influence on this Indonesian earth. “In the future, hopefully there will be more trees and we can reduce waste more and more,” he added.