Waqaf Forest Expedition

Republika conducted a waqaf forest expedition in late 2022

Nov 23, 2023 - 20:28
Feb 16, 2024 - 09:19
Waqaf Forest Expedition
Waqaf Forest Aceh

Republika conducted a waqaf forest expedition in late 2022 located in Bogor Waqaf Forest, Cibunian Village, Bogor Regency, West Java and Waqaf Forest Aceh located in Jantho, Greater Aceh Regency.

The results of the expedition, which is sponsored by Purpose, were published through the Islamic supplement Dialog Jumat. The results of the coverage are expected to tell the public about the Muslim community movement that seeks to save forests through Islamic philanthropy-based financing schemes (waqf).

These are some articles which had been published in Republika

  1. Waqf Forest, The Sharia to Sustainability (https://www.republika.id/posts/42456/waqf-forest-the-%e2%80%98sharia%e2%80%99-to-sustainability)
  2. Misi Khalifah di Zona Merah (https://www.republika.id/posts/35736/misi-khalifah-di-zona-merah)
  3. Oase di Tengah Lahan Sawit (https://republika.id/posts/35589/oase-di-tengah-lahan-sawit)
  4. Wakaf Hijau Sedang Berkembang (https://www.republika.id/posts/35592/wakaf-hijau-sedang-berkembang)