MLH Muhammadiyah launches 'Green Ramadan' discussion
Buya Anwar Abbas highlights various environmental problems lately such as global warming to deforestation.

MOSAIC-INDONESIA.COM, JAKARTA -- MLH PP Muhammadiyah held a Green Ramadhan study with all Muhammadiyah members throughout Indonesia on Wednesday (13/3/2024) via an online platform. This activity is the initial step for MLH PP Muhammadiyah towards a series of other activities in finding solutions to today's environmental problems. Apart from that, this activity is Muhammadiyah's initiative to invite the public to implement an environmentally friendly Ramadan.
For information, MLH PP Muhammadiyah has also carried the spirit of Environmental Jihad as Muhammadiyah's preaching slogan in overcoming environmental problems in the modern era. During this Ramadhan, MLH PP Muhammadiyah will hold several Green Ramadhan studies which will be followed by the release of Green Ramadhan Real Work Lectures (KKN). The event was in collaboration with Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University. Then, MLH will later take part in efforts to empower coastal communities through planting mangroves to overcome climate change.
The Green Ramadhan study with the theme "Muhammadiyah and Environmental Jihad in the 2nd Century" was opened by Rijal Ramdhani as Chair of the Green Ramadhan Committee. Rijal said that this routine agenda was the starting point for Muhammadiyah's commitment to environmental issues. Apart from that, Rijal hopes that the community can work together to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle during the month of Ramadan. "This activity is our routine agenda as we look towards Ramadhan. "The hope is that this can have an impact on the general public so that we can adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle during Ramadan," said Rijal
Chairman of the PP Muhammadiyah Environmental Council, Azrul Tanjung, appealed to all Muhammadiyah residents to take part in environmental issues. According to him, Muhammadiyah can carry out environmental da'wah in two ways, namely discussing the main ideas and real actions in the field.
"Muhammadiyah must take part in dealing with life's problems, especially the environment. Therefore, discussion programs like this are important, because later they will be followed by real programs such as taking to the field. "The hope is that this discussion can bring acceleration to the MLH da'wah program," explained Azrul.
Buya Anwar Abbas as Chair of PP Muhammadiyah in charge of the Environmental Council invited participants to remember that Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth in a state of balance. He reminded that there is an imbalance due to human behavior, citing a verse in the QS: Ar-Rum: 41. Apart from that, according to Buya, the development of the times with the emergence of ideologies such as liberal economics has contributed greatly to the destruction of the environment.
"We must remember again that Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth in a state of balance. "So if there is an imbalance, it is due to human actions, for example the liberal economy which, if left unchecked, will damage the environment," said Buya Anwar.
Buya in his presentation highlighted several environmental problems today such as environmental pollution, climate change, global warming and deforestation. He advised all discussion participants to make Muhammadiyah seriously highlight some of the problems outlined. According to Buya, the Environmental Council, through its da'wah program, can plan more strategic steps in dealing with this problem.
According to him, this needs to be done seriously considering the impact and direct relationship it has with people's lives. Apart from that, Buya advised Muhammadiyah to collaborate with partners in implementing its da'wah. So, if Muhammadiyah is fierce in carrying out environmental jihad, then people will remember Muhammadiyah when they talk about the environment.
Agus Djamil as deputy chairman of MLH PP Muhammadiyah, said that Muhammadiyah has taken serious steps in dealing with environmental problems with the formation of the Muhammadiyah Climate Center (MCC). Apart from that, Agus also invited all Muhammadiyah members to become advocates for Amar Ma'ruf and Nahi Munkar in the environmental sector. He reminded that environmental preaching is a religious obligation for Muslims today. According to him, this effort was based on the quotation from QS: Hud: 116 which states that the groups saved by Allah SWT are people who save nature.
"The movement to prevent environmental damage is a religious obligation for Muslims as part of Amar Ma'ruf - Nahi Munkar. "For this reason, this becomes a personal obligation, and if it is done in a group it will fall like Muhammadiyah's environmental preaching," said Agus.
Green Ramadhan in this session then closed with questions and answers from discussion participants. The hope is that holding this event can increase public awareness in protecting environmental damage together.